Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Guinness Advert

The morning mist was just leaving the surface of the bay as I looked out through my binoculars. The waves lapped against the rocks non threateningly. Three weeks we had been stationed by the water, sitting upon a not inconsiderable amount of heavy guns and ammunition. Radar had picked up an alleged allied attack, it was beginning to seem it would never arrive.

But our training was good, our patience limitless as the sea itself and I stood by my fellow officers outside of our camp for most of the day, scanning the horizon with our viewing glasses until our arms gave way from cramp.

That morning was marked only by the whining of the wind through the rocks of the bay, it was even more sharp than usual, more piercing than was natural.

"Is that the wind, Kommandant?"
"Yes, of course. What else could it be?"

I once more lifted the cold rubber of the binoculars to my eyes, almost against my will I tracked the flight of yet another errant seagull onto a small dot on the apex of the undulating sea. It was a ship, I knew at once in my gut.

"Prepare the guns, the Allied flotilla is about to arrive. We will sink them before they set foot on German soil."

An Unteroffizier left my side to oversee the deployment of our weapons when I once again looked upon the dot, though it was no longer just a dot. I could see exactly what it was.

"Stop, don't fire!"

I shouted out at the men who only looked back at me like dogs confused by their masters instruction.


Those who had binoculars looked out at the bay, at the great green flag that cascaded above a small fishing boat. Upon the green flag shone a golden harp, shining beyond what would be assumed to be possible in the weak morning light. On the ship were a group of men and women, each with a tin whistle to their lips, it had not been the wind after all.

They had arrived and landed before I could bring myself to action and then I knew we were lost. Music and laughing broke out among my men as the guns were forgotten in favor of singing and drinking.

With my permission the men surrendered the next day, but I begged until I was allowed on that fishing boat. I wanted to ride out of the bay to the sound of thin whistles, I think I had never wanted anything more in my entire life.

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