Started reading a book on Game Theory
recently, well, it's as much a book on Game Theory as it is a
biography of one of its greatest proponents Von Neumann. The
interest extended from my fascination with the show Dragons' Den,
watching the dynamics of the different Dragons made me wonder if
there was a fixed equation that given a specific company will produce
a deterministic result.
The book does intersect with Dragon's
Den quite a bit. For example, in Game Theory all actors are purely
rational and the Dragons on that show are as close to rational actors
as the real world gets in that broad experience in the financial
world allows them to know every possible move in what the tv show
represents as a gross simplification.
You often see them pausing in the face
a deal that seems slightly too good as they know their fellow dragons
can use it to come out as “the good guy” with a more reasonable
deal. Yet, all the while they are chasing that minimax. That deal
that allows them to emerge with success because their opponents can
not beat them without making a bad deal themselves.
Of course, to model the show you would
need to further simplify a simplification and reduce the impact of
their personalities to something you can simulate but the idea that
given a pitcher and company that the outcome could be entirely
Well, it brings out the nerd in me big time.
Well, it brings out the nerd in me big time.
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