Well, it's finished. I worked back
through my first novel in its entirety, making liberal use of my
deletion key and rewriting and expanding where it felt necessary. I
applied the two years of experience I've earned since its completion.
I took the end result yesterday and spent some time preparing it for
the Kindle, this time I'm very happy with the formatting but need to
review the book in its entirety before letting it rest.
It's quite a strange process, producing
a book for the Kindle. In the end I exported my book as html and
then applied some e-book specific mark-up for the page breaks. It's
infinitely better than my previous attempt which in retrospect was
absolutely awful. Thankfully the Kindle is very forgiving with
formatting, you can put a plain text file on it and it will read fine
even if it does look amateurish, which you would be right to be sore
about if you happened to pay for it.
I upped the price very slightly, both
to represent the additional work I've invested in it and to offer
some reward to those who bought it in its less refined state. I also
moved the prologue, which I always thought didn't really fit into the
tone of the book into the product description page where I feel it
fits better.
The lesson for me through this process
has been that it's worth taking the extra time to polish what you've
written and it can be fun in its own way to grab a coffee and refine
your creation and then spend an hour or so tweaking the formatting
into something presentable. More than that, something I can be proud
of and would be happy to purchase myself.
The next step now is to start work on
the sequel, I have two years of ideas for it welled up now but little
has changed in how I see it working from when I finished the
original. The originals spirit is still very much alive in me,
though my voice has matured, evolved.
Let's see where it takes us.
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