Friday, October 2, 2009

Back on track - If I could figure out where the track went

So, I've been out of work for a while now and I've had my holiday and I've had my sleeping in and constant relaxation and it's been great I can't complain.

I do realize that the time is now upon me to get back on track with everything, most of all my writing. While there has been some progress I really need to start focusing on it more and get into a real routine. Hopefully I'll be able to write more easily in wherever I live next (lease is coming to an end soon.) But we'll have to see.

I should also try and get another wave of query letters out, I still haven't used any using my new format and there's never any harm in trying. Today I got an email response to one I sent out months ago so there's no harm in keeping that cycle going.

Finally the job will continue, it's been pretty slow so far to be honest which to be fair I kind of did expect. The main thing is to keep myself out there and stay focused on what I want.

I enjoyed lying around in bed but it's something that rule, less is more, stands truer than ever. Have to get back to work building that track to where I want to go.

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